Saturday, March 13, 2010

That's For Later In the Night

We finally arrived to our destination. Heathrow airport is very modern. The flight was great. Drinking that small bottle of wine helped me sleep well. By the time I woke up, we were only an hour away from London. Going through immigration and customs was easy, being that there's hardly anyone at the airport. We tried getting an airport shuttle service to our hotel. The lady at the counter said they don't go out to our hotel. What the? So we go and ask the lady in the public transportation center and we decided to take the Underground Tube. It's an hour ride to our hotel, but the cheapest. So now we sit at the Giraffe Juice and Coffee Bar eating a sausage pannini and drinking Arizona Iced Tea. Cyn was tempted into buying a Corona beer. But her stomach refused.

After an hour long journey on the Tube we arrived to our hotel, which was called "Hotel California." We check in and are given a room on the 3rd floor. Lucky for us, there is no lift (elevator) so we make two special trips to bring in our luggage.

The room was as small as the tiniest bedroom in my house with two twin beds. I almost had a panic attack that we had no towels but they were rolled up neatly in our beds. the television is a small 'bush' TV and only about 6 of the 99 channels work. This totally felt like a National Lampoon's European Vacation. All I was expecting was for the bed to cave in. But luckily enough, they were pretty sturdy. Haha. I texted my friend, Bass Master G, and told him we were now on his side of the pond and he asked for my hotel phone number. I realized there was no phone in our room and if we had a call, they would not call to you let you know. Darn. So I told him I would have to call him. We start freshening up. We have to beat the Jetlag and resist the temptation of falling asleep. So we do just that.

Now that we are awake, we start to make our way up the street and then turn left on Euston. We are totally off from the hard worked on itinerary and instead decide to get lost somewhere. We hop on a double Decker bus, sit on the 2nd floor and see where it takes us. We finally get off Oxford st and start walking. We're in SOHO. The streets reminded me of Los Angeles with all their U.S. Based clothing stores. Example, H & M, American Apparel, etc. Heck, even Cyn bought a coffee at Starbucks of all places! Anyways I get on a payphone and call my friend "G" (at this point I'm driving Cynthia nuts about me talking about him so much.) We tried making plans on going over to his house and meeting the family. He said he lived 30km from where we were staying at. I recommended Saturday as that was our free day. or maybe some day during the week. He's so nice to be offering us dinner with his family at his home. No wonder I admire him. OK enough. Cyn might read this entry, roll her eyes and sigh.

Anyways he recommends we hit up Camden Town as that's the place where it's happening. So we do. We hop on the Tube. As we start walking down Camen High Street, we stop at this place called "The Diner" which serves California food. It was very blah. We go to Elephant Head as it was recommended to us. That place was neat-o! There's rockabilly music playing on the jukebox. Even Big Sandy's "Yama Yama Pretty Mama" makes its presence. I start singing cause the Stronbohm Cider is feeling good in my system but Cyn shuts me down and tells me I'm not singing in American Idol. LOL! Oh yeah, quite the interesting crowd. First there's Butt-crack kid. Some punk kid with his pants riding low you can literally see his butt crack. And it's not by choice you see it. Then Fabio with his "Barbie out of a box" perfect golden hair and The Willie Nelson look-a-like with the leather pants. Oh how can I forget the man all over Cyn's face when I mentioned Goldschlager shots. In her face he said, "That's for later in the night" LOL! Oh how you had to be there. We crawled back to our hotel at 10:00pm. Yeah I know that's early, but heck. We were on a plane for ten hours!

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